
TBS operates in the following areas of activity:

Auditing and preparation of financial statements.

Consultancy and representation in the various aspects of taxation.  We provide consultancy in the areas of corporate taxation, contracting taxation and real estate transactions, taxation on international transactions and employee taxation.

Internal control and special audits.  The office has acquired considerable experience in the performance of internal control and special audits as required by public companies and entities, organizations, private companies and special projects.

Outsourced accounting services for businesses. TBS provides these services to entities which have no economic justification for maintaining an accounting department of their own, and provides consultancy, assistance and support to the accountants and controllers of other entities.  Among the activities in this area are:

Preparation of budgets; ongoing budgetary reporting and monitoring.

Costing of projects, product lines and product marketing.

Planning, monitoring and management of cash flows and construction of credit lines and credit policy.

Support and assistance in negotiations with banks and other credit providers; management of investment portfolios.

Preparation of business plans, analysis and economic support.  We specialize in the planning and composition of business plans and in providing economic support to businesses, as follows:

Support and preparation of plans for existing company when opening a new product line or conducting a new business development.

Building business concepts and activity models for entrepreneurs.

Examination of the scope and timing of the required investments.

Determination of a course of action and quantification of the resources required to start up the business and bring it to full activity.

Composition of complete business and financial plans.

 International activity

TBS maintains ongoing working relationships in other countries with entities specializing in areas of assistance to its potential clients, such as attorneys at law, international accounting firms, international tax consultants, banks and financing entities and business consultants.

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