Our Clients

Our clients include:

Industrial and commercial companies; import, export and marketing companies.
The leading sectors of activity in this area include metals, printing and publishing, textiles, paper and cardboard, plastic, mechanical and engineering equipment, and the supply of stone and construction materials, ceramics and sanitary installation products.

Retail chains, distribution companies and call center services
A chain of shops for the thousands of employees of one of Israel's largest corporations, which functions as a commercial retail chain; a chain of music product retailers; Israel's largest distribution companies; a bulk mail distribution company deployed throughout Israel; a company providing call center services for one of Israel's largest for marketing chains.

Customs clearing agents and international forwarding companies Companies
providing international forwarding and customs clearing services and support of importers and exporters.

Foreign companies active in Israel
Companies and entities based in the United States and Europe which operate or invest in Israel.

Marketing companies which operate through sales agents
Companies active in the areas of clothing and fashion, cosmetics, health products and the cellular market.

Non profit organizations
Service providers and members of the free professions
Consulting large companies based in the U.S.A.
Accountant of Business individuals located in the U.S.A. and owning companies and business in Israel.

Representing Business individuals located in Europe and owning real Estate in Israel. 

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